A Reuters story about Thomson Reuters may be perceived by stock markets and market regulators as the official line on the company. The internal reporting of serious incidents involving harm or risk to staff, significant problems with stories or images, hoaxes and allegations of improper behaviour is an important part of any manager’s job. Non-managerial staff who become aware of any such incident must report it to their supervisor. The reporting of such incidents is essential to keep senior company officials up to date on situations that affect staff and operations or which have the potential to embarrass Reuters or affect the company’s reputation. news article editorial from one part of the world – on an attempted hoax, for example – can also provide an important tip-off to managers in another part of the world.
She was also named one of the 100 Most Influential Africans of 2018 by New African magazine. The New Humanitarian will offer in-depth reporting and analysis that highlights ways the international community can be more responsive to the unique needs of women and girls in humanitarian crises. Coverage topics may include rape as a weapon or war and access to access to sexual and reproductive healthcare in crises. The editor and executive director/managing editor solicit articles for this column as topics emerge. The editor works with the author to ensure that the essay is succinct, relevant, and well presented. Submissions should be completed and electronically submitted to the editor and to the productions editor.
It behooves political leaders to educate their supporters and partisans that violence has no place in our democracy and should not be encouraged by any side whether opposition or ruling party. I am convinced if there were no free press in our country we as citizens would know nothing of the workings of the elected, appointees, and the causes and policies they would or would not support. Fake news has nothing to do with Hep-A or homeless empowerment. Rather it has to do with political opinion, which may or may not be biased. It looks like the U-T is guilty of that bias, and not just for falling for the Boston Globe trick.
Consider carefully if the person you are communicating with is an imposter. Sources can provide information by whatever means available – telephone, in person, email, instant messaging, text message. When doing initiative reporting, try to disprove as well as prove your story. Give as much context and detail as you can about sources, whether named or anonymous, to authenticate information they provide. When talking to sources, make sure the ground rules are clear. Use named sources wherever possible because they are responsible for the information they provide, even though we remain liable for accuracy, balance and legal dangers.
Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is responsible for leading the Australian Government’s response to international humanitarian crises. Our funding comes from a mix of governments, foundations, readers, and more. When considering whether to solicit or accept funding or revenue, we make certain considerations. We strive to ensure diversity in the sources of our funding and revenue in order to maintain our editorial independence and our long-term financial sustainability. Read more about our Principles for accepting financial contributions, which we ask our donors to agree to.
This is why policymakers have been nudging car makers to accelerate efforts to bring an end to the manufacture of vehicles fitted with an internal combustion engine. In the European Union, at least, it seemed that the two sides were strapped in, ready to reach that destination by 2035. He campaigned as the continuity candidate to succeed Ms Sturgeon against Kate Forbes’s calls for a reset, and he received widespread backing from many at the top of the SNP on that basis.
Specifically, Reuters staffers should ascertain the purpose of the event and agenda of the sponsors. Any interviews have to be approved in advance by the journalist’s manager and the communications team. Reuters is committed to treating its employees fairly, regardless of gender, ethnic, national or religious background, age, disability, marital status, parental status or sexual orientation. Qualified employees will be given consideration for all job openings regardless of any of the above.